Salt Lake City - Novell in March 19th's annual BrainShare trade show was announced the next generation of OES (Open Enterprise Server) operating system. OES 2 adds 64-bit Xen-based virtualization, dynamic storage support, and Windows domain support, and marks from Novell NetWare to SLES (SUSE Linux Enterprise Server) in the final conversion.
銆??鏂扮殑OES鏄瀯寤哄湪鍒氬垰鍙戝竷鐨凷LES 10 SP1涓娿?杩欎釜鎿嶄綔绯荤粺鏀寔Inter鍜孉MD64浣嶅弻鏍革紝浠ュ強澶氭牳澶勭悊鍣ㄣ?
In addition, many of OES's main services - Novell Storage Services, Novell Cluster Services, and some other - have been upgraded to a 64-bit code. Other services as needed with 64-bit 32-bit libraries.
銆??浣跨敤Xen铏氭嫙鍖栵紝OES鐜板湪鍙互璁╃敤鎴蜂滑浠ョ被铏氭嫙鍖栧鎿嶄綔绯荤粺褰㈠紡灏哊etWare 6.5杩愯鍦⊿LES涓婇潰銆?br />
To this class virtualization mode to gain access to the latest hardware to optimize performance, NetWare has also strengthened its way as a virtual machine, Novell said.
Novell's director of product marketing, said Justin Steinman, OES NetWare above to open some very profitable server consolidation possibilities.
銆??鈥滃湪浠婂ぉ鐨勯珮绔‖浠朵笂锛孨etWare寰堝皯濡傛鎺ヨ繎CPU鐨勫畬鍏ㄥ埄鐢ㄧ巼銆傚綋Novell鐨?Open Enterprise Server 2鍑烘潵鐨勬椂鍊欙紝浣犺兘澶熷埄鐢ㄩ偅浜涙病鏈夊厖鍒嗗埄鐢ㄧ殑纭欢鍦ㄤ竴鍙版満鍣ㄤ笂瑁?涓?3涓紝鐢氳嚦鏇村涓狽etWare鏈嶅姟鍣紝鑰屼笉浼氬奖鍝嶅埌鎬ц兘銆傝繖鍙互鏋佸ぇ鍦拌妭鐪佺‖浠舵垚鏈紝鏈烘灦绌洪棿锛屽喎鍗撮渶姹傦紝浠ュ強鐢垫簮闇?眰銆傗?
In the OES 2, Novell also introduced "dynamic storage technology." This new feature allows administrators to create any data provided is active or inactive strategy.
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